"An integrated experimental and computational investigation of defect and microstructural effects on thermal transport in thorium dioxide" Marat Khafizov, Lingfeng He, Cody Dennett, David Hurley, Zilong Hua, Amey Khanolkar, Anter EL-AZAB, Kaustubh Bawane, Acta Materialia Vol. 213 2021 Link | ||
"In-Situ TEM study of microstructural evolution in proton irradiated single crystal UO2 under high-temperature annealing" Marat Khafizov, Kaustubh Bawane, Anshul Kamboj, Fei Teng, Mason Childs, Lin Shao, Miaomiao Jin, David Hurley, Yongfeng Zhang, Boopathy Kombaiah, Acta Materialia Vol. 281 2024 Link | ||
"TEM Characterization of Dislocation Loops in Proton Irradiated Single Crystal ThO2" Marat Khafizov, Kaustubh Bawane, Tiankai Yao, Aaron French, James Mann, Lin Shao, Jian Gan, David Hurley, Lingfeng He, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 552 2021 Link |
"High-Resolution TEM Characterization of Neutron-Irradiated U-10Mo Fuel in the Low Temperature and Low Burnup Regime" Sukanya Majumder, Gyuchul Park, Tiankai Yao, Kaustubh Bawane, Cameron Howard, Kourtney Wright, Laura Hawkins, Brandon Miller, Jonova Thomas, Benjamin Beeler, Maria Okuniewski, Materials in Nuclear Energy Systems (MiNES) December 11-14, (2023) |
DOE-NE Awards 19 RTE Projects - New projects total approximately $690K Thursday, February 6, 2020 - Announcement, Calls and Awards, Newsletter, News Release |
NSUF Project Leads Postdoc to INL - Bawane credits much of his career success to NSUF Wednesday, March 25, 2020 - Newsletter, Researcher Highlight |
Defect Evolution in Irradiated Superior Heat Conductors - FY 2023 RTE 3rd Call, #4733
In-Situ TEM Nanomechanical Testing of Neutron Irradiated U-10Zr - FY 2024 RTE 3rd Call, #5177
Investigating ion irradiation at high temperatures on high entropy carbide ceramics using correlative positron annihilation spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy - FY 2024 RTE 3rd Call, #5113
Microstructural Defect Induced Thermal Conductivity Reduction in Uranium Nitride and Thorium Nitride - FY 2023 RTE 3rd Call, #4780
Proton Irradiation of High Entropy Carbide Ceramics - FY 2023 RTE 3rd Call, #4766
The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) is the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy's only designated nuclear energy user facility. Through peer-reviewed proposal processes, the NSUF provides researchers access to neutron, ion, and gamma irradiations, post-irradiation examination and beamline capabilities at Idaho National Laboratory and a diverse mix of university, national laboratory and industry partner institutions.
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