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Purdue University
"2.6 MeV proton irradiation effects on the surface integrity of depleted UO2" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Mahima Gupta, Andrew Nelson, Janne Pakarinen, Nuclear Instruments and Methods B Vol. 319 2014 100-106 Link
The effect of low temperature proton irradiation in depleted uranium dioxide was examined as a function of fluence. With 2.6 MeV protons, the fluence limit for preserving a good surface quality was found to be relatively low, about 1.4 and 7.0 × 1017 protons/cm2 for single and poly crystalline samples, respectively. Upon increasing the fluence above this threshold, severe surface flaking and disintegration of samples was observed. Based on scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) observations the causes of surface failure were associated to high H atomic percent at the peak damage region due to low solubility of H in UO2. The resulting lattice stress is believed to exceed the fracture stress of the crystal at the observed fluencies. The oxygen point defects from the displacement damage may hinder the H diffusion and further increase the lattice stress, especially at the peak damage region.
"9R phase enabled superior radiation stability of nanotwinned Cu alloys via in situ radiation at elevated temperature" Cuncai Fan, Dongyue Xie, Jin Li, Zhongxia Shang, Youxing Chen, Sichuang Xue, Jian Wang, Meimei Li, Anter EL-AZAB, Haiyan Wang, Xinghang Zhang, Acta Materialia Vol. 167 2019 248-256 Link
"A data science approach for analysis and reconstruction of spinodal-like composition fields in irradiated FeCrAl alloys" Janelle Wharry, Yash Pachaury, Tomohisa Kumagai, Anter EL-AZAB, Acta Materialia Vol. 234 2022 118019 Link
"An integrated experimental and computational investigation of defect and microstructural effects on thermal transport in thorium dioxide" Marat Khafizov, Lingfeng He, Cody Dennett, David Hurley, Zilong Hua, Amey Khanolkar, Anter EL-AZAB, Kaustubh Bawane, Acta Materialia Vol. 213 2021 Link
"Bubble Character, Kr Distribution and Chemical Equilibrium in UO2" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Mahima Gupta, Lingfeng He, Hunter Henderson, Michele Manuel, Andrew Nelson, Janne Pakarinen, Billy Valderrama, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 2015 Link
"Bubble evolution in Kr-irradiated UO2 during annealing" Lingfeng He, Xianming Bai, Janne Pakarinen, Brian Jaques, Jian Gan, Andrew Nelson, Anter EL-AZAB, Todd Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 496 2017 242-250 Link
Transmission electron microscopy observation of Kr bubble evolution in polycrystalline UO2 annealed at high temperature was conducted in order to understand the inert gas behavior in oxide nuclear fuel. The average diameter of intragranular bubbles increased gradually from 0.8 nm in as-irradiated sample at room temperature to 2.6 nm at 1600 °C and the bubble size distribution changed from a uniform distribution to a bimodal distribution above 1300 °C. The size of intergranular bubbles increased more rapidly than intragranular ones and bubble denuded zones near grain boundaries formed in all the annealed samples. It was found that high-angle grain boundaries held bigger bubbles than low-angle grain boundaries. Complementary atomistic modeling was conducted to interpret the effects of grain boundary character on the Kr segregation. The area density of strong segregation sites in the high-angle grain boundaries is much higher than that in the low angle grain boundaries.
"Bubble formation and Kr distribution in Kr-irradiated UO2" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Mahima Gupta, Andrew Nelson, Janne Pakarinen, Billy Valderrama, Lingfeng He, Abdel-Rahman Hassan, Hunter Henderson, Marquis Kirk, Michele Manuel, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 456 2015 125-132 Link
In situ and ex situ transmission electron microscopy observation of small Kr bubbles in both single-crystal and polycrystalline UO2 were conducted to understand the inert gas bubble behavior in oxide nuclear fuel. The bubble size and volume swelling are shown as weak functions of ion dose but strongly depend on the temperature. The Kr bubble formation at room temperature was observed for the first time. The depth profiles of implanted Kr determined by atom probe tomography are in good agreement with the calculated profiles by SRIM, but the measured concentration of Kr is about 1/4 of the calculated concentration. This difference is mainly due to low solubility of Kr in UO2 matrix and high release of Kr from sample surface under irradiation.
"Bubble, stoichiometry, and chemical equilibrium of krypton-irradiated UO2" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Mahima Gupta, Lingfeng He, Michele Manuel, Janne Pakarinen, Billy Valderrama, Abdel-Rahman Hassan, Marquis Kirk, Andrew Nelson, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 456 2015 125-132 Link
In situ and ex situ transmission electron microscopy observation of small Kr bubbles in bothsingle-crystal and polycrystalline UO2 were conducted to understand the inert gas bubblebehavior in oxide nuclear fuel. The bubble size and volume swelling are shown as a weakfunction of ion dose but strongly depend on the temperature. The Kr bubble formation at roomtemperature was observed for the first time. The depth profiles of implanted Kr determined byatom probe tomography are in good agreement with the calculated profiles by SRIM, but themeasured concentration of Kr is about 1/3 of calculated one. This difference is mainly due to lowsolubility of Kr in UO2 matrix, which has been confirmed by both density-functional theorycalculations and chemical equilibrium analysis.
"Electrochemical effects of isolated voids in uranium dioxide" Anter EL-AZAB, Michele Manuel, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids Vol. 75 2013 550-557 Link
We present a model to study the electrochemical effects of voids in oxide materials under equilibrium conditions and apply this model to uranium dioxide. Based on thermodynamic arguments, we claim that voids in uranium dioxide must contain oxygen gas at a pressure that we determine via a Kelvin equation in terms of temperature, void radius and the oxygen pressure of the outside gas reservoir in equilibrium with the oxide. The oxygen gas within a void gives rise to ionosorption and the formation of a layer of surface-charge on the void surface,which,in turn, induces an influence zone of space charge into the matrix surrounding the void. Since the space charge is carried in part by atomic defects, it is concluded that, as a part of the thermodynamic equilibrium of oxides containing voids, the off-stoichiometry around the void is different from its remote bulk value. As such,in a uranium dioxide solid with a void ensemble, the average off-stoichiometry level in the material differs from that of the void-free counterpart. The model is applied to isolated voids in off-stoichiometric uranium dioxide for a wide range of temperature and disorder state of the oxide.
"Fission Products in Nuclear Fuel: Comparison of Simulated Distribution with Correlative Characterization Techniques" Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Billy Valderrama, Clarissa Yablinsky, Microscopy and Microanalysis Vol. 19 2013 968-969 Link
During the fission process in a nuclear reactor, uranium dioxide (UO2) fuel material is irradiated, forming fission products (FPs). The addition of FPs alters the path phonons travel in UO2, detrimentally altering the thermal conductivity of the fuel. [1] To improve fuel performance, a fundamental understanding of the role of insoluble FPs, such as Xenon (Xe), during microstructural evolution is critical. Correlative characterization techniques where atom probe tomography (APT) is paired with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can provide unique insights into the segregation behavior of FPs. Coupling these techniques with computer simulations of fission product distribution provide deeper understanding of FP migration during service. Although there are limitations with each of these techniques in isolation, significant insight into material behavior can be gained with the concurrent and synergistic pairing of multiple experimental and computational techniques.
"Microstructure changes and thermal conductivity reduction in UO2 following 3.9 MeV He2+ ion irradiation" Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Marat Khafizov, Andrew Nelson, Janne Pakarinen, Chris Wetteland, Lingfeng He, David Hurley, Todd Allen, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 454 2014 283-289 Link
The microstructural changes and associated effects on thermal conductivity were examined in UO2 after irradiation using 3.9 MeV He2+ ions. Lattice expansion of UO2 was observed in X-ray diffraction after ion irradiation up to 5 × 1016 He2+/cm2 at low-temperature (<200 °C). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed homogenous irradiation damage across an 8 μm thick plateau region, which consisted of small dislocation loops accompanied by dislocation segments. Dome-shaped blisters were observed at the peak damage region (depth around 8.5 μm) in the sample subjected to 5 × 1016 He2+/cm2, the highest fluence reached, while similar features were not detected at 9 × 1015 He2+/cm2. Laser-based thermo-reflectance measurements showed that the thermal conductivity for the irradiated layer decreased about 55% for the high fluence sample and 35% for the low fluence sample as compared to an un-irradiated reference sample. Detailed analysis for the thermal conductivity indicated that the conductivity reduction was caused by the irradiation induced point defects.
"Microstructure evolution in Xe-irradiated UO2 at room temperature" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Lingfeng He, Janne Pakarinen, Marquis Kirk, Andrew Nelson, Xianming Bai, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Vol. 330 2014 55-60 Link
In situ Transmission Electron Microscopy was conducted for single crystal UO2 to understand the microstructure evolution during 300 keV Xe irradiation at room temperature. The dislocation microstructure evolution was shown to occur as nucleation and growth of dislocation loops at low irradiation doses, followed by transformation to extended dislocation segments and tangles at higher doses. Xe bubbles with dimensions of 1-2 nm were observed after room-temperature irradiation. Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy indicated that UO2 remained stoichiometric under room temperature Xe irradiation.
"Radiation induced nanovoid shrinkage in Cu at room temperature: An in situ study" Cuncai Fan, Annadanam Sreekar, Zhongxia Shang, Jin Li, Meimei Li, Haiyan Wang, Anter EL-AZAB, Xinghang Zhang, Scripta Materialia Vol. 166 [unknown] 112-116 Link
"Role of cavities on deformation-induced martensitic transformation pathways in a laser-welded, neutron irradiated austenitic stainless steel" Janelle Wharry, Keyou Mao, Cheng Sun, Ching-Heng Shiau, Kayla Yano, Paula Freyer, Anter EL-AZAB, Frank Garner, Aaron French, Lin Shao, Scripta Materialia Vol. 178 2020 1-6 Link
The role of cavities on deformation-induced martensitic phase transformations is studied in a laser-welded and neutron irradiated austenitic stainless steel. Orientation dependent nanoindentation experiments are performed in the base metal and the weld heat affected zone (HAZ) at room temperature. Transmission electron microscopy study of deformed microstructures indicates indentation-induced α’-martensite forms in the base metal, whereas α’- and ε-martensite arise in the HAZ. The different pathway of martensite phase transformation is attributed to the laser weld-induced annealing of cavities. Our results suggest that deformation-induced martensitic phase transformation of austenitic stainless steel is correlated to neutron irradiated cavity structures.
"Characterization of Oxide Fuel Surface Chemistry with Atom Probe Tomography" Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Hunter Henderson, Michele Manuel, Billy Valderrama, 2013 ANS Winter Meeting November 10-13, (2013)
"Fission Products in Nuclear Fuel: Comparison of Simulated Distribution with Correlative Characterization Techniques" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Lingfeng He, Hunter Henderson, Michele Manuel, Billy Valderrama, Clarissa Yablinsky, Microscopy and Microanalysis August 4-8, (2012)
"Microstructural Investigations of Kr and Xe Irradiated UO2" Todd Allen, Anter EL-AZAB, Jian Gan, Mahima Gupta, Lingfeng He, Hunter Henderson, Michele Manuel, Janne Pakarinen, Billy Valderrama, Energy Frontier Research Centers Principal Investigators Meeting July 18-19, (2013)