Tsvetoslav Pavlov

Profile Information
Dr. Tsvetoslav Pavlov
Idaho National Laboratory
Distinguished Postdoctoral Associate
Machine Learning, Nuclear Fuel, Thermal Properties
"Analysis of radially resolved thermal conductivity in high burnup mixed oxide fuel and comparison to thermal conductivity correlations implemented in fuel performance codes" Marat Khafizov, Joshua Ferrigno, Tsvetoslav Pavlov, Narayan Poudel, Daniele Salvato, Chuting Tan, Troy Munro, Fabiola Cappia, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 596 2024 Link
"Impact of neutron irradiation on the thermophysical properties of additively manufactured stainless steel and inconel" Mark Graham, Jeffrey King, Tsvetoslav Pavlov, Cynthia Adkins, Scott Middlemas, Donna Guillen, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 549 2021 Link