Jeffrey King

Profile Information
Professor Jeffrey King
Tennessee Technological University
Fission Reactor Coolants, Modeling, Neutron Imaging, Shielding, Structural Analysis, Thermal Analysis
"Impact of neutron irradiation on the thermophysical properties of additively manufactured stainless steel and inconel" Mark Graham, Jeffrey King, Tsvetoslav Pavlov, Cynthia Adkins, Scott Middlemas, Donna Guillen, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 549 2021 Link
"Microstructural characterization of high burn-up mixed oxide fast reactor fuel" Brian Gorman, Steven Hayes, Jeffrey King, Douglas Porter, Melissa Teague, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 441 2013 267-273 Link
High burn-up mixed oxide fuel with local burn-ups of 3.4–23.7% FIMA (fissions per initial metal atom) were destructively examined as part of a research project to understand the performance of oxide fuel at extreme burn-ups. Optical metallography of fuel cross-sections measured the fuel-to-cladding gap, clad thickness, and central void evolution in the samples. The fuel-to-cladding gap closed significantly in samples with burn-ups below 7–9% FIMA. Samples with burn-ups in excess of 7–9% FIMA had a reopening of the fuel-to-cladding gap and evidence of joint oxide-gain (JOG) formation. Signs of axial fuel migration to the top of the fuel column were observed in the fuel pin with a peak burn-up of 23.7% FIMA. Additionally, high burn-up structure (HBS) was observed in the two highest burn-up samples (23.7% and 21.3% FIMA). The HBS layers were found to be 3–5 times thicker than the layers found in typical LWR fuel. The results of the study indicate that formation of JOG and or HBS prevents any significant fuel-cladding mechanical interaction from occurring, thereby extending the potential life of the fuel elements.
"Molecular dynamics simulations of radiation cascade evolution near cellular dislocation structures in additively manufactured stainless steels" Ryan Colette, Jeffrey King, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 549 2021 Link