Donna Post Guillen, PhD, PE, has over 30 years of research and engineering experience and has served as Principal Investigator for numerous multidisciplinary projects encompassing energy systems, nuclear reactor fuels and materials experiments, and wasteform development. She is experienced with X-ray and neutron beamline experiments, computational methods, tools and software for data analysis, visualization, application development, machine learning and informatics, simulation, design, and programming. Her core area of expertise is thermal fluids, computational fluid dynamics and heat transfer analysis. She has performed irradiation testing of new materials and thermal analysis for nuclear reactor experiments in her role as Principal Investigator/Technical Lead for the DOE Nuclear Science User Facility Program. She is the lead inventor on two patents for a new metal matrix material to produce a fast neutron flux environment within a pressurized water reactor. She actively mentors students, routinely chairs and organizes technical meetings for professional societies, serves in leadership capacity for the American Nuclear Society (Thermal Hydraulics Executive and Program Committees), The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society (former Chair of the TMS Energy Committee, JOM Advisor) and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (Thermal Hydraulics and Computational Fluid Dynamic Studies Track Co-Chair), provides subject matter reviews for proposals and technical manuscripts, has published over 100 papers and received two Best Paper awards, authored technical reports and journal articles, and written/edited three books.
"Comparing structure-property evolution for PM-HIP and forged Alloy 625 irradiated with neutrons to 1 " Janelle Wharry, Caleb Clement, Sri Sowmya Panuganti, Patrick Warren, Yangyang Zhao, Yu Lu, Katelyn (Wheeler) Baird, David Frazer, Donna Guillen, David Gandy, Materials Science & Engineering A Vol. 857 2022 144058 Link | ||
"Comparing structure-property evolution for PM-HIP and forged alloy 625 irradiated with neutrons to 1 dpa"
Caleb Clement, Caleb Clement, Yangyang Zhao, Yu Lu, David Frazer, Donna Guillen, David Gandy, Janelle Wharry,
Materials Science and Engineering: A
Vol. 857
The nuclear power industry has growing interest in qualifying powder metallurgy with hot isostatic pressing (PM-HIP) to replace traditional alloy fabrication methods for reactor structural components. But there is little known about the response of PM-HIP alloys to reactor conditions. This study directly compares the response of PM-HIP to forged Ni-base Alloy 625 under neutron irradiation doses ∼0.5–1 displacements per atom (dpa) at temperatures ranging ∼321–385 °C. Post-irradiation examination involves microstructure characterization, ASTM E8 uniaxial tensile testing, and fractography. Up through 1 dpa, PM-HIP Alloy 625 appears more resistant to irradiation-induced cavity nucleation than its forged counterpart, and consequently experiences significantly less hardening. This observed difference in performance can be explained by the higher initial dislocation density of the forged material, which represents an interstitial-biased sink that leaves a vacancy supersaturation to nucleate cavities. These findings show promise for qualification of PM-HIP Alloy 625 for nuclear applications, although higher dose studies are needed to assess the steady-state irradiated microstructure. |
"Comparison of PM-HIP to forged SA508 pressure vessel steel under high-dose neutron irradiation" Janelle Wharry, Wen Jiang, Yangyang Zhao, Yu Lu, David Frazer, Donna Guillen, David Gandy, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 594 2024 155018 Link | ||
"Experiment design for the neutron irradiation of PM-HIP alloys for nuclear reactors" Donna Guillen, Janelle Wharry, Gregory Housley, Cody Hale, Jason Brookman, David Gandy, Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 402 2023 Link | ||
"High conduction neutron absorber to simulate fast reactor environment in an existing test reactor"
Donna Guillen, Larry Greenwood, James Parry,
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Vol. 302
A new metal matrix composite material has been developed to serve as a thermal neutron absorber for testing fast reactor fuels and materials in an existing pressurized water reactor. The performance of this material was evaluated by placing neutron fluence monitors within shrouded and unshrouded holders and irradiating for up to four cycles. The monitor wires were analyzed by gamma and X-ray spectrometry to determine the activities of the activation products. Adjusted neutron fluences were calculated and grouped into three bins—thermal, epithermal, and fast—to evaluate the spectral shift created by the new material. A comparison of shrouded and unshrouded fluence monitors shows a thermal fluence decrease of *11% for the shielded monitors. Radioisotope activity and mass for each of the major activation products is given to provide insight into the evolution of thermal absorption cross section during irradiation. The thermal neutron absorption capability of the composite material appears to diminish at total neutron fluence levels of*8 9 1025 n/m2. Calculated
values for dpa in excess of 2.0 were obtained for two common structural materials (iron and nickel) of interest for future fast flux experiments. |
"Impact of neutron irradiation on the thermophysical properties of additively manufactured stainless steel and inconel" Mark Graham, Jeffrey King, Tsvetoslav Pavlov, Cynthia Adkins, Scott Middlemas, Donna Guillen, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 549 2021 Link | ||
"In situ tensile study of PM-HIP and wrought 316L stainless steel and Inconel 625 alloys with high energy diffraction microscopy" Janelle Wharry, Donna Guillen, Elizabeth Getto, Darren Pagan, Materials Science & Engineering A Vol. 738 2018 380-388 Link | ||
"Materials qualification through the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF): A case study on irradiated PM-HIP structural alloys" Janelle Wharry, Donna Guillen, Caleb Clement, Saquib Bin Habib, Wen Jiang, Yu Lu, Yaqiao Wu, Ching-Heng Shiau, David Frazer, Brenden Heidrich, Collin Knight, David Gandy, Frontiers in Nuclear Engineering Vol. 2 2023 1306529 Link | ||
"Measurement and Simulation of Thermal Conductivity of Hafnium-Aluminum Thermal Neutron Absorber Material"
Donna Guillen, William Harris,
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E
Vol. 3
A metal matrix composite (MMC) material composed of hafnium aluminide (Al3Hf) intermetallic particles in an aluminum matrix has been identified as a promising material for fast flux irradiation testing applications. This material can filter thermal neutrons while simultaneously providing high rates of conductive cooling for experiment capsules. The purpose of this work is to investigate effects of Hf-Al material composition and neutron irradiation on thermophysical properties, which were measured before and after irradiation. When performing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) on the irradiated specimens, a large exotherm corresponding to material annealment was observed. Therefore, a test procedure was developed to perform DSC and laser flash analysis (LFA) to obtain the specific heat and thermal diffusivity of pre- and post-annealment specimens. This paper presents the thermal properties for three states of the MMC material: (1) unirradiated, (2) as-irradiated, and (3) irradiated and annealed. Microstructure-property relationships were obtained for the thermal conductivity. These relationships are useful for designing components from this material to operate in irradiation environments. The ability of this material to effectively conduct heat as a function of temperature, volume fraction Al3Hf, radiation damage, and annealing is assessed using the MOOSE suite of computational tools. |
"Mechanical testing data from neutron irradiations of PM-HIP and conventionally manufactured nuclear structural alloys"
Donna Guillen, Janelle Wharry, Caleb Clement, Yangyang Zhao, Katelyn Wachs, David Frazer, Jatuporn Burns, Yu Lu, Yaqiao Wu, Collin Knight, David Gandy,
Data in Brief
Vol. 48
This article presents the comprehensive mechanical testing data archive from a neutron irradiation campaign of nuclear structural alloys fabricated by powder metallurgy with hot isostatic pressing (PM-HIP). The irradiation campaign was designed to facilitate a direct comparison of PM-HIP to conventional casting or forging. Five common nuclear structural alloys were included in the campaign: 316L stainless steel, SA508 pressure vessel steel, Grade 91 ferritic steel, and Ni-base alloys 625 and 690. Irradiations were carried out in the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) to target doses of 1 and 3 displacements per atom (dpa) at target temperatures of 300 and 400 °C. This article contains the data collected from post-irradiation uniaxial tensile tests following ASTM E8 specifications, fractography of these tensile bars, and nanoindentation. By making this systematic and valuable neutron irradiated mechanical behavior dataset openly available to the nuclear materials research community, researchers may now use this data to populate material performance databases, validate material performance and hardening models, design follow-on experiments, and enable future nuclear code-qualification of PM-HIP techniques. |
"Microstructure of Neutron-Irradiated Al3Hf-Al Thermal Neutron Absorber Materials"
Donna Guillen,
MDPI Materials
Vol. Vol 18 Issue 4
A thermal neutron-absorbing metal matrix composite (MMC) comprised of Al3Hf particles in an aluminum matrix was developed to filter out thermal neutrons and create a fast flux environment for material testing in a mixed-spectrum nuclear reactor. Intermetallic Al3Hf particles capture thermal neutrons and are embedded in a highly conductive aluminum matrix that provides conductive cooling of the heat generated due to thermal neutron capture by the hafnium. These Al3Hf-Al MMCs were fabricated using powder metallurgy via hot pressing. The specimens were neutron-irradiated to between 1.12 and 5.38 dpa and temperatures ranging from 286 °C to 400 °C. The post-irradiation examination included microstructure characterization using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. This study reports the microstructural observations of four irradiated samples and one unirradiated control sample. All the samples showed the presence of oxide at the particle–matrix interface. The irradiated specimens revealed needle-like structures that extended from the surface of the Al3Hf particles into the Al matrix. An automated segmentation tool was implemented based on a YOLO11 computer vision-based approach to identify dislocation lines and loops in TEM images of the irradiated Al-Al3Hf MMCs. This work provides insight into the microstructural stability of Al3Hf-Al MMCs under irradiation, supporting their consideration as a novel neutron absorber that enables advanced spectral tailoring. |
"Thermomechanical Properties of Neutron Irradiated Al3Hf-Al Thermal Neutron Absorber Materials"
Donna Guillen, Mychailo Toloczko, Ramprashad Prabhakaran, Yuanyuan Zhu, Yu Lu, Yaqiao Wu,
Vol. 16
thermal neutron absorber material composed of Al3Hf particles in an aluminum matrix is under development for the Advanced Test Reactor. This metal matrix composite was fabricated via hot pressing of high-purity aluminum and micrometer-size Al3Hf powders at volume fractions of 20.0, 28.4, and 36.5%. Room temperature tensile and hardness testing of unirradiated specimens revealed a linear relationship between volume fraction and strength, while the tensile data showed a strong decrease in elongation between the 20 and 36.5% volume fraction materials. Tensile tests conducted at 200 °C on unirradiated material revealed similar trends. Evaluations were then conducted on specimens irradiated at 66 to 75 °C to four dose levels ranging from approximately 1 to 4 dpa. Tensile properties exhibited the typical increase in strength and decrease in ductility with dose that are common for metallic materials irradiated at ≤0.4Tm. Hardness also increased with neutron dose. The difference in strength between the three different volume fraction materials was roughly constant as the dose increased. Nanoindentation measurements of Al3Hf particles in the 28.4 vol% material showed the expected trend of increased hardness with irradiation dose. Transmission electron microscopy revealed oxygen at the interface between the Al3Hf particles and aluminum matrix in the irradiated material. Scanning electron microscopy of the exterior surface of tensile tested specimens revealed that deformation of the material occurs via plastic deformation of the Al matrix, cracking of the Al3Hf particles, and to a lesser extent, tearing of the matrix away from the particles. The fracture surface of an irradiated 28.4 vol% specimen showed failure by brittle fracture in the particles and ductile tearing of the aluminum matrix with no loss of cohesion between the particles and matrix. The coefficient of thermal expansion decreased upon irradiation, with a maximum change of −6.3% for the annealed irradiated 36.5 vol% specimen. |
"Microstructure of Aluminum Matrix in Composite Absorber Block Material" Donna Guillen, TMS 2014 February 16-20, (2014) | |
"Neutron Irradiation of Nuclear Structural Materials Fabricated by Powder Metallurgy with Hot Isostatic Pressing" David Gandy, Donna Guillen, Janelle Wharry, 2017 ANS Annual Meeting [unknown] |
This NSUF Profile is 70
Authored 10+ NSUF-supported publications
Presented an NSUF-supported publication
Submitted an RTE Proposal to NSUF
Awarded 3+ RTE Proposals
Collaborated on an RTE Proposal
Reviewed 10+ RTE Proposals
Beamline Examination of a Hf-Al Metal-Matrix Composite Material - FY 2016 CINR, #639
Microstructural Examination of Irradiation Effects on Metal Matrix Composite Neutron Absorber - FY 2021 RTE 1st Call, #4280
Understanding the Origin of Irradiation-Induced Yield Drop Phenomena in Grade 91 - FY 2023 RTE 2nd Call, #4703
Irradiation Effect on Thermophysical Properties of Hf3Al-Al Composite: A Concept for Fast Neutron Testing at ATR - FY 2009 Fall Solicitation for User Proposals, #157
Microstructural Examination of Neutron Irradiated Al-HfAl3 Metal Matrix Composite Materials for Application to Neutron Spectrum Modification in Nuclear Reactors - FY 2017 RTE 3rd Call, #1028
The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) is the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy's only designated nuclear energy user facility. Through peer-reviewed proposal processes, the NSUF provides researchers access to neutron, ion, and gamma irradiations, post-irradiation examination and beamline capabilities at Idaho National Laboratory and a diverse mix of university, national laboratory and industry partner institutions.
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