"Analysis of radially resolved thermal conductivity in high burnup mixed oxide fuel and comparison to thermal conductivity correlations implemented in fuel performance codes"
Troy Munro,
Journal of Nuclear Materials
Vol. 596
The thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity of high burnup (19 % FIMA) mixed oxide (U, Pu)O2 nuclear fuel has been measured along the radial direction using a thermoreflectance-based method. Measured thermal conductivity exhibits a notable radial variation consistent with the expectations that a large temperature gradient across the annular fuel pellet leads to a heterogeneous microstructure. A common fuel performance model of thermal conductivity, the Lucuta-Inoue model, is used to analyze the measured thermal conductivity profile. This model adequately captures the radial dependence of thermal conductivity except in the periphery. The analysis suggests that the characteristic radial shape of the thermal conductivity profile follows the burnup profile within the fuel pin. In the periphery, the high burnup structure is formed and the conductivity model, not capturing this effect, likely overestimates the thermal conductivity. |
"Analysis of radially resolved thermal conductivity in high burnup mixed oxide fuel and comparison to thermal conductivity correlations implemented in fuel performance codes" Marat Khafizov, Joshua Ferrigno, Tsvetoslav Pavlov, Narayan Poudel, Daniele Salvato, Chuting Tan, Troy Munro, Fabiola Cappia, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 596 2024 Link |
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