Kieran Dolan

Profile Information
Dr. Kieran Dolan
Kairos Power LLC
Senior Engineer

My research interests focus on technology development for Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactors (FHRs). At the University of Wisconsin – Madison, I participated in the production and purification of kilogram-scale batches of Flibe (2LiF-BeF2) salt. I also studied electrochemical methods to measure the redox potential of these salts, which was the focus of my Master’s thesis in 2015. As a PhD candidate at MIT, I investigated tritium management strategies and tritium transport modeling for FHR designs using data generated by post-irradiation examination of samples irradiated in Flibe. At Kairos Power, I am the responsible engineer for FHR tritium management system development.

Graphite, Molten Salt, Tritium
"Experimental Measurement and Multiphysics Simulation of Tritium Transport in Neutron Irradiated Flibe Salt" Kieran Dolan, Guiqiu Zheng, Michael Ames, David Carpenter, Lin-wen Hu, Nuclear Technology Vol. 209 2023 515-531 Link
Predicting the distribution and release of tritium remains a technical challenge for advanced nuclear reactors with molten Flibe (2LiF-BeF2) salt coolants. Tritium transport models, which are currently used to forecast release behavior, are limited by uncertainty in Flibe-related tritium transport properties and by a lack of relevant benchmark experiments to test input parameters and solution methods. A new test facility has been developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Reactor (MITR) to irradiate a molten Flibe target in an ex-core neutron beam port to further investigate tritium transport mechanisms at prototypical reactor conditions. The experiment monitored the time-dependent release of tritium from the salt-free surface and the permeation rate of tritium through the stainless steel Flibe-containing test stand. Measured results were benchmarked with a multiphysics tritium transport simulation to resolve complex effects in the test. Trends in tritium release rates from the irradiation were in agreement with the multiphysics simulation of the test, which combined computational fluid dynamics, radiative heat transfer in participating media, and tritium transport in STAR-CCM+.
"Tritium Content and Chemical Form in Nuclear Graphite from Molten Fluoride Salt Irradiations" Kieran Dolan, Guiqiu Zheng, David Carpenter, Steven Huang, Lin-wen Hu, Fusion Science and Technology Vol. 76 2020 398-403 Link
Advanced reactor applications that use a molten fluoride salt coolant and graphite moderator are under consideration as next-generation energy technologies. For molten salts with lithium or beryllium, such as flibe (2LiF-BeF2), the production of tritium from neutron irradiation is a significant technical challenge. Understanding the expected quantities and mechanisms for tritium retention in graphite is important for designing tritium management strategies in these advanced reactors. In this work, the tritium content of IG-110U graphite from a 2013 in-core flibe irradiation experiment was measured by leaching in water and thermal desorption. Five total samples were tested, with an average measured tritium content per salt-contacting surface area of 3.83 ± 0.25 Ci/m2. The tritium measured from the thermal desorption experiments was primarily in a water-insoluble form. Compared to the overall tritium generation during the irradiation, the total amount of retention in graphite predicted by the desorption measurements is significant.
"Tritium generation, release, and retention from in-core fluoride salt irradiations" Kieran Dolan, Guiqiu Zheng, Kaichao Sun, David Carpenter, Progress in Nuclear Energy Vol. 131 2021 Link
Further understanding of tritium transport mechanisms in the combined molten fluoride salt and graphite environment is necessary for the design and licensing of a Fluoride-Salt-Cooled High-Temperature Reactor (FHR). The three in-core fluoride salt irradiations completed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor (MITR) are a useful parallel for studying transport phenomena expected in a FHR environment. During the irradiations, evolution of tritium from the flibe salt was monitored and compared to the calculated total generation rate. A difference of 22 ± 10% between the integrated calculated tritium generation rate and the total release was measured for the third MITR irradiation (FS-3). The fraction of tritium which was not released from the salt could be explained by tritium retention in graphite. For post irradiation examination, a thermal desorption furnace was used to heat nuclear graphite samples in order to release and measure retained tritium. The desorption analysis in this work utilized seven subsections of graphite from the second salt irradiation (FS-2); three from a disc of IG-110U and four from ARB matrix graphite. Observed desorption versus temperature as well as total tritium content in the samples after irradiation indicate that the graphites were not volumetrically saturated with tritium, but rather tritium retention was likely limited to the near-surface region. Measurements of the samples resulted in 2.90 ± 0.29 μCi/mm2 of tritium retained by IG-110U and 1.83 ± 0.31 μCi/mm2 for ARB during the 300 h FS-2 in-core irradiation. Based on the desorption measurements, the estimated total tritium retention in graphite from the FS-2 samples is consistent with the tritium release measurements from the FS-3 experiment.
"Investigation of Nuclear Graphite and C/C Composite in Molten Li2BeF4 (FLiBe) under Neutron Irradiation" Guiqiu Zheng, David Carpenter, Kieran Dolan, Lin-wen Hu, 19th International Nuclear Graphite Specialists' Meeting September 2-6, (2018) Link
NSUF Articles:
DOE Awards 31 RTE Proposals, Opens FY-20 1st Call - Projects total $1.1 million; Next proposals due 10/31 Awards will go to 22 principal investigators from universities, six from national laboratories, and three from foreign universities. Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - Calls and Awards, Announcement