Anne Campbell

Profile Information
Dr. Anne Campbell
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Research Associate
Materials Science & Technology Division

Dr. Anne Campbell is a research associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and is a preeminent expert on radiation effects in nuclear graphite. Her expertise began in her PhD work at the University of Michigan when she investigated proton irradiation effects in graphite, including changes in dimensions, mechanical properties, crystal structure, and anisotropy under unrestrained and stressed conditions. Now at ORNL, Dr. Campbell continues to investigate the effects of interactions of radiation with graphite, which includes changes to the physical (density/volume), mechanical (strength, elastic properties), and electrical/thermal (electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion) properties, irradiation creep, and the corresponding microstructural changes for a range of graphite grades. Her interests outside of graphite include TRISO fuel, SiC and SiC composite systems, irradiation creep of metals, and the development of novel techniques for measuring materials properties from specimens used in irradiation testing experiments.

Bend Testing, Ceramics, Gamma Irradiation, Graphite, Mechanical Properties, Mechanical Testing, Neutron Irradiation, Silicon Carbide (SiC), Silicon Carbide Ceramic Matrix Composites, Thermal Properties
"Development of mesopores in superfine grain graphite neutron-irradiated at high fluence" Cristian Contescu, Jose Arregui-Mena, Anne Campbell, Philip Edmondson, Carbon Vol. 141 2018 663-675 Link
Microstructural changes induced by neutron irradiation of superfine grain graphite G347A (Tokai Carbon, Japan) were examined by nitrogen adsorption at 77 K and by three microscopy techniques (SEM, TEM and FIB-SEM tomography). The specimens were irradiated at doses of up to 30 dpa, covering stages before and after the turnaround fluence at three temperatures (300, 450, 750 °C) of their irradiation envelope. The initial graphite densification at low fluences did not produce any detectable effect in the pore size range (<350 nm) measured by gas adsorption. However, graphite irradiated at high fluences, after turnaround, showed severe structural changes. At all three temperatures and high irradiation fluences, gas adsorption revealed significant increase of the volume of narrow mesopores (<5–20 nm) and up to five times increase of BET surface area, both in linear relationship with the relative volume expansion. Analysis of microscopy images showed multiplication of fine macropores (>50 nm) at high irradiation fluences and more structural changes on multiple scales, from nanometers to microns. This work demonstrates the unique ability of gas adsorption techniques to analyze open pores with sizes between sub-nanometer and sub-micron in bulk nuclear graphite, with supporting microscopy results.
"Development of planar PyC/SiC diffusion couples to investigate irradiation effects and microstructural variation on fission product diffusion" Tyler Gerczak, John Hunn, Brian Jolly, Austin Schumacher, Anne Campbell, John Dyer, Xunxiang Hu, Proceedings of HTR 2018 Vol. 2018 0047
"Multiscale characterization and comparison of historical and modern nuclear graphite grades" Jose Arregui-Mena, Robert Worth, William Bodel, Benjamin Maerz, wenjing li, Anne Campbell, Erkan Cakmak, Nidia Gallego, Cristian Contescu, Philip Edmondson, Materials Characterization Vol. 190 2024 112047 Link
Beginning with Chicago Pile I, graphite has been used as a moderator material in nuclear power stations and is considered a potential material for use in future Generation IV advanced reactors. The microstructure of graphite is responsible for much of its mechanical and thermo-physical properties, and how it responds to irradiation. To understand graphite microstructure, it is necessary to understand its porosity at the macro- and micro-scales; and to understand its porosity, it is necessary to characterize the morphological connectivity of the void content and the two main phases of graphite: filler and binder. Here, using several microscopy and analytical techniques, a detailed examination of the heterogeneity, microstructure and pore structure of different graphite grades and their binder and filler phases is presented. Significant differences were found between coarser and finer nuclear grades. Coarse grades have a more diverse range of filler particles, pores and thermal cracks. Finer grades have a more well-defined pore size distribution, fewer variations of filler particles sizes and do not contain as many large thermal cracks. Fine grades tend to have a well-connected network of pores whereas coarser grades contain a larger content of closed porosity. The framework developed within this work can be applied and used to assess the various graphite grades that would down-select materials for specific use in graphite moderated reactor designs.
"SEM and TEM data of nuclear graphite and glassy carbon microstructures" Jose Arregui-Mena, Robert Worth, William Bodel, Benjamin Maerz, wenjing li, Aaron Selby, Anne Campbell, Cristian Contescu, Philip Edmondson, Nidia Gallego, Data in Brief Vol. 46 2023 108808 Link
Micrographs of multiple nuclear graphite grades were captured using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), complementing the data contained in the related manuscript, “A multi-technique image library of nuclear graphite microstructures of historical and modern grades.” The SEM micrographs show the differences among filler particles, binder, and thermal cracks contained in nuclear graphite. This library of microstructures serves as a baseline of as-received material and enables understanding the phases and differences between nuclear grades. TEM micrographs included in this manuscript elucidate the content of a common material contained in the binder phase known as quinoline insoluble (QI) particles. These particles are a phase of graphite that can be used as a forensic fingerprint of the neutron irradiation effects in graphite. The manuscript also contains some data of glassy carbon, an allotrope of carbon that shares similarities with some of the chaotic structures in nuclear graphite. Combined, these micrographs provide a detailed overview of the microstructures of various graphite grades prior to neutron irradiation.
"Development of Planar PyC/SiC Diffusion Couples to Investigate Irradiation Effects and Microstructural Variation on Fission Product Diffusion" Tyler Gerczak, Rachel Seibert, John Hunn, Brian Jolly, Austin Schumacher, Xunxiang Hu, Anne Campbell, GCR Program Review Meeting June 18-19, (2019)
"Fabrication of PyC/SiC diffusion couples using fluidized bed CVD techniques for radiation enhanced diffusion testing" Brian Jolly, Tyler Gerczak, John Hunn, Austin Schumacher, Anne Campbell, The Materials Society Annual Conference March 11-15, (2018)
"Neutron irradiation effects on the microstructure of nuclear graphite" Jose Arregui-Mena, Benjamin Maerz, Cristian Contescu, Anne Campbell, Philip Edmondson, Yutai Katoh, NuMat 2018 October 14-18, (2018)
"Topological and atomic investigation of nuclear graphite using multi-scale x-ray scattering" David Sprouster, Lance Snead, Boris Khaykovich, Yutai Katoh, Anne Campbell, 45th International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC2021) February 8-11, (2021) Link