Radial Heat Flux - Irradiation Synergism in SiC ATF Cladding

Principal Investigator
Yutai Katoh
[email protected]
(208) 526-6918
Team Members:
Name: Institution: Expertise: Status:
Takaaki Koyanagi Oak Ridge National Laboratory Ceramics, Neutron Irradiation Faculty
Experiment Details:
Experiment Title:
Radial Heat Flux - Irradiation Synergism in SiC ATF Cladding)
Synergism of neutron irradiation and high heat flux presents unique yet critical challenge for SiC-based fuel cladding concepts for LWR’s due to the steep temperature dependence of early swelling in SiC. The primary goal of proposed project is to experimentally verify the multi-physics model of prototypical SiC-based fuel clad to neutron irradiation under high radial heat flux that is relevant to practical LWR fuel operation. Specifically, the project is intended to achieve the following three objectives: 1) Irradiation of tube specimens of prototypical and model SiC-based ATF SiC cladding under a high radial heat flux, 2) Post-irradiation examination of the irradiated tube specimens, and 3) Establish advanced PIE capabilities as the NSUF user infrastructure.
Book / Journal Publications

"Evaluating the Irradiation Effects on the Elastic Properties of Miniature Monolithic SiC Tubular Specimens" Yutai Katoh, Christian Petrie, Kurt Terrani, Gyanender Singh, TAKAAKI KOYANAGI, Journal of Nuclear Materials 499 2018 107-110 Link

"Elastic moduli reduction in SiC-SiC tubular specimen after high heat flux neutron irradiation measured by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy" Yutai Katoh, Journal of Nuclear Materials 523 2019 391-401

Conference Publications

"Transient Swelling of SiC/SiC Composites and its Implications to Fuels and Core Designs" Yutai Katoh, TAKAAKI KOYANAGI, TMS 2018 March 12-15, (2018)