Jeffery Aguiar

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Dr. Jeffery Aguiar
Lockheed Martin
Metallurgy, STEM, Stress, Transient Reactor Test Facility (TREAT)
"Electron microscopy characterization of fast reactor MOX Joint Oxyde-Gaine (JOG)" Fabiola Cappia, Brandon Miller, Jeffery Aguiar, Lingfeng He, Daniel Murray, Brian Frickey, John Stanek, Jason Harp, Journal of Nuclear Materials Vol. 531 2020 Link
The composition and crystal structure of the “Joint Oxyde Gaine” (JOG) has been investigated by means of electron microscopy. Microstructural characterization reveals a highly heterogeneous porous structure with inclusions containing both fission products and cladding components. Major fission products detected, other than Cs and Mo, are Te, I, Zr and Ba. The layer is composed by sub-micrometric crystallites. The diffraction data refinement, together with chemical mapping, confirms the presence of Cs2MoO4, which is the major component of the JOG. However, combinatorial analyses reveal that other non-stoichiometric phases are possible, highlighting the complex nature of the crystalline structure of the JOG. Fe is found in metallic Pd-rich precipitates with structure compatible with the tetragonal structure of FePd alloy. Cr is found in different locations of the JOG, in oxide form, but no structural data could be obtained due to local beam sensitization of the sample in those areas.
"Silicon carbide grain boundary distributions, irradiation conditions, and silver retention in irradiated AGR-1 TRISO fuel particles" Jeffery Aguiar, Thomas Lillo, Isabella van Rooyen, Nuclear Engineering and Design Vol. 329 2018 46-52 Link
Distributions of silicon carbide grain boundary types (random high angle, low angle, and coincident site lattice-related boundaries), were compared in irradiated tristructural isotropic-coated fuel particles from the Advanced Gas Reactor-1 experiment exhibiting high (>80%) and low (<19%) Ag-110m retention. Grain orientation from transmission electron microscope-based precession electron diffraction data, and, ultimately, grain boundary distributions, indicate irradiated particles with high Ag-110m retention correlate with lower relative fractions of random, high-angle grain boundaries. An inverse relationship between the random, high-angle grain boundary fraction and Ag-110m retention was found and is consistent with grain boundary percolation theory. Also, the SiC grain boundary distribution in an irradiated, low Ag-110m retention, Variant 1 particle was virtually identical to that of a previously reported as-fabricated (unirradiated) Variant 1 TRISO particle. Thus, SiC layers with grain boundary distributions associated with low Ag-110m retention may have developed during fabrication and were present prior to irradiation, assuming significant microstructural evolution did not occur during irradiation. Finally, irradiation levels up to 3.6 × 1025 n/m2 and 16.7% fissions per initial metal atom were found to have little effect on association of fission product precipitates with specific grain boundary types in particles exhibiting between 19% and 80% Ag-110m retention.