Timothy Burchell, William Windes, Cristian Contescu, Robert Mee, Yoonjo (Jo Jo) Lee, Jose Arregui-Mena, Nidia Gallego, Joshua Kane,
Vol. 127
Four grades of nuclear graphite were oxidized in helium with traces of moisture and hydrogen in order to evaluate the effects of chronic oxidation on graphite components in high temperature gas cooled reactors. Kinetic analysis showed that the Langmuir-Hinshelwood (LH) model cannot consistently reproduce all results. In particular, at high temperatures and water partial pressures, oxidation was always faster than the LH model predicts. It was also found empirically that the apparent reaction order for water has a sigmoid-type variation with temperature which follows the integral Boltzmann distribution function. This suggests that the apparent activation with temperature of graphite reactive sites that causes deviations from the LH model is rooted in specific structural and electronic properties of graphite. A semi-global kinetic model was proposed, whereby the classical LH model was modified with a temperature-dependent reaction order for water. This new Boltzmann-enhanced Langmuir-Hinshelwood (BLH) model consistently predicts oxidation rates over large ranges of temperature (800-1100 oC) and partial pressures of water (3-1200 Pa) and hydrogen (0-300 Pa. The BLH model can be used for modeling chronic oxidation of graphite components during life-time operation in high- and very high temperature advanced nuclear reactors. |
"Characterisation of the spatial variability of material properties of Gilsocarbon and NBG-18 using random fields"
Jose Arregui-Mena, Philip Edmondson, Lee Margetts, DV Griffiths, William Windes, Mark Carroll, Paul Mummery,
Journal of Nuclear Materials
Vol. 511
Graphite is a candidate material for Generation IV concepts and is used as a moderator in Advanced Gascooled
Reactors (AGR) in the UK. Spatial material variability is present within billets causing different
material property values between different components. Variations in material properties and irradiation
effects can produce stress concentrations and diverse mechanical responses in a nuclear reactor graphite
core. In order to characterise the material variability, geostatistical techniques called variography and
random field theory were adapted for studying the density and Young's modulus of a billet of Gilsocarbon
and NBG-18 graphite grades. Variography is a technique for estimating the distance over which
material property values have significant spatial correlation, known as the scale of fluctuation or spatial
correlation length. The paper uses random field theory to create models that mimic the original spatial
and statistical distributions of the original data set. This study found different values of correlation length
for density and Young's modulus around the edges of a Gilsocarbon billet, while in the case of NBG-18,
similar correlation lengths where found across the billet. Examples of several random fields are given to
reproduce the spatial patterns and values found in the original data. |
"Understanding the reaction of nuclear graphite with molecular oxygen: Kinetics, transport, and structural evolution"
Joshua Kane, Cristian Contescu, Rebecca Smith, Gerhard Strydom, William Windes,
Journal of Nuclear Materials
Vol. 493
For the next generation of nuclear reactors, HTGRs specifically, an unlikely air ingress warrants inclusion in the license applications of many international regulators. Much research on oxidation rates of various graphite grades under a number of conditions has been undertaken to address such an event. However, consequences to the reactor result from the microstructural changes to the graphite rather than directly from oxidation. The microstructure is inherent to a graphite's properties and ultimately degradation to the graphite's performance must be determined to establish the safety of reactor design. To understand the oxidation induced microstructural change and its corresponding impact on performance, a thorough understanding of the reaction system is needed. This article provides a thorough review of the graphite-molecular oxygen reaction in terms of kinetics, mass and energy transport, and structural evolution: all three play a significant role in the observed rate of graphite oxidation. These provide the foundations of a microstructurally informed model for the graphite-molecular oxygen reaction system, a model kinetically independent of graphite grade, and capable of describing both the observed and local oxidation rates under a wide range of conditions applicable to air-ingress. |
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