"Effect of Sample Preparation Techniques on Grain Boundary Characterization of Annealed TRISO-Coated Particles" Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Isabella van Rooyen, C.M. Hill, T. Trowbridge, J. Madden, J. Burns, Nuclear Technology Vol. 196(1) 2016 111-120 Link | ||
"Sample Preparation Techniques for Grain Boundary Characterization of Annealed TRISOCoated Particles"
Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Isabella van Rooyen, C. M. Hill, James Madden, Jatuporn Burns, Tammy Trowbridge,
Nuclear Technology
Vol. 196
Crystallographic information about layers of silicon carbide (SiC) deposited by chemical vapor
deposition is essential to understanding layer performance, especially when the the layers are in nonplanar
geometries (e.g., spherical). Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) was used to analyze spherical SiC
layers using a different sampling approach that applied focused ion beam (FIB) milling to avoid the negative
impacts of traditional sample polishing and address the need for very small samples of irradiated materials
for analysis. The mechanical and chemical grinding and polishing of sample surfaces can introduce lattice
strain and result in the unequal removal of SiC and the surrounding layers of different materials due to the
hardness differences among these materials. The nature of layer interfaces is thought to play a key role in
the performance of SiC; therefore, the analysis of representative samples at these interfacial areas is crucial.
In the work reported herein, a FIB was employed in a novel manner to prepare a more representative sample
for EBSD analysis from tristructural-isotropic layers that are free of effects introduced by mechanical and
chemical preparation methods. In addition, the difficulty of handling neutron-irradiated microscopic samples
(such as those analyzed in this work) has been simplified using pretilted mounting stages. The results
showed that while the average grain sizes of samples may be similar, the grain boundary characteristics can
differ significantly. Furthermore, low-angle grain boundaries comprised 25% of all boundaries in the
FIB-prepared sample compared to only 1% to 2% in the polished sample from the same particle. This study
demonstrated that the characterization results from FIB-prepared samples provide more repeatable results
due to the elimination of the effects of sample preparation. |
"The Effect of High-Temperature Annealing on the Grain Characteristics of a Thin Chemical Vapor Deposition Silicon Carbide Layer" Isabella van Rooyen, Philippus van Rooyen, Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 19 (Supplement 2) Vol. 19 2013 1948-1949 Link |
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