Ben Jenkins

Profile Information
Dr Ben Jenkins
University of Rouen Normandy
WINNING Normandy Research Fellow
"A more holistic characterisation of internal interfaces in a variety of materials via complementary use of transmission Kikuchi diffraction and Atom probe tomography" Ben Jenkins, James Douglas, G. Robert Odette, Applied Surface Science Vol. 528 2020 Link
Changes in the chemistry of internal interfaces, particularly grain boundaries, are known to affect the macroscopic properties of a wide range of material systems. Solute segregation to grain boundaries is dependent on, amongst other factors, the physical structure of the grain boundary. We demonstrate how complementary use of transmission Kikuchi diffraction (TKD) and atom probe tomography (APT) can provide a more holistic characterisation of grain boundaries in a variety of materials. Structural information is reported from TKD data for a model steel, a titanium alloy, and a multicrystalline silicon sample. Complementary APT analyses are used to determine the segregation behaviour to these interfaces. A novel specimen preparation protocol allows for the grain boundary to be positioned more reliably within the apex of an APT specimen. Meanwhile, a method that allows a grain boundary’s five macroscopic degrees of freedom to be determined from TKD data alone is also proposed.
"The effect of composition variations on the response of steels subjected to high fluence neutron irradiation" Ben Jenkins, Nathan Almirall, G. Robert Odette, Materialia Vol. 11 2020 Link
A set of low alloy model reactor pressure vessel steels, with systematic variations in their Mn, Ni, and Si contents, were neutron-irradiated to high fluence (1.4 × 1020 n/cm2) in the Advanced Test Reactor at Idaho at 290°C and a flux of 3.6 × 1012 n/cm2s. The alloys were analysed using atom probe tomography and solute clusters were observed in each alloy, including in one alloy that contained low nominal levels of Mn (0.04 at. %) and Si (0.06 at. %). Changes in the mechanical properties of the alloys were correlated with cluster volume fractions. Whilst the effect of nominal composition was observed to influence cluster composition, cluster nucleation site was not observed to affect composition. Several grain boundaries were also analysed and the segregation behaviour of certain elements is discussed.
"Using alpha hulls to automatically and reproducibly detect edge clusters in atom probe tomography datasets" Ben Jenkins, Materials Characterisation Vol. 160 2020 Link
An automated way to accurately and reproducibly identify edge clusters within atom probe tomography datasets has been developed. The alpha-hull algorithm is used to generate a concave alpha-shape around an atom probe dataset. Information from core-linkage cluster searches is used, in combination with the calculated alpha-shape, to determine which clusters are on the edge of the dataset. The potential effects that not removing edge clusters may have on calculated cluster sizes, number densities and compositions is discussed. The viability of the methodology is demonstrated via application to real datasets, one of which was a non-standard shape. The sensitivity of the method to user parameter selection is explored. Sampling fractions >0.1% and an alpha value, used to make the alpha shape, greater than twice the maximum measured nearest neighbour distance were found to be suitable.
"Effect of Composition on Response of Model Alloys To Neutron Irradiation" Ben Jenkins, G. Robert Odette, Nathan Almirall, IGRDM May 19-23, (2019)
"Grain Boundary Analysis of Neutron-Irradiated Reactor Pressure Vessel Model Steels Using Correlative Transmission Kikuchi Diffraction And Atom Probe Tomography" Ben Jenkins, G. Robert Odette, Nathan Almirall, IGRDM May 19-23, (2019)
"Multi-technique Analysis of Grain Boundaries in Low-Alloy Steels (poster)" Przemyslaw Klups, Ben Jenkins, James Douglas, Nick Riddle, Jonathan Hyde, Paul Bagot, Michael Moody, European Workshop on Atom Probe Tomography November 12-14, (2019)
"Multi-technique Analysis of Low-Alloy SteelsFrom the Micro-to Nano-scale" Przemyslaw Klups, Nick Riddle, Jonathan Hyde, Paul Bagot, Michael Moody, Ben Jenkins, James Douglas, Rolls-Royce Doctorate Conference 2020 December 9-11, (2020)
"Quantification of Grain Boundary Segregation In Atom Probe Tomography – is Gibbsian Interfacial Excess Enough" Ben Jenkins, 10th European Atom Probe Tomography Workshop September 10-14, (2018)
NSUF Articles:
U.S. DOE Nuclear Science User Facilities Awards 35 Rapid Turnaround Experiment Research Proposals - Awards total approximately $1.3 million These projects will continue to advance the understanding of irradiation effects in nuclear fuels and materials in support of the mission of the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy. Wednesday, September 20, 2017 - Calls and Awards