The nuclear energy plays an important role in the nation’s diverse electricity portfolio. To satisfy the fast-growing electricity demand, climate change, safety and waste concerns, efforts are ongoing to design advanced nuclear reactors with greater thermal efficiency, flexibility, safety, and economics than the current generation. These advanced reactors require high performance materials that can operate under more aggressive service conditions (such as higher operating temperatures, higher radiation doses and corrosive environment).
One of the goals of the USDOE-NE research programs is to develop advanced structural materials for the next generation of reactors that have good neutronics, dimensional stability, corrosion resistance, mechanical (yield strength, ductility, fracture toughness, creep strength, etc.,) and thermal properties under irradiation. HT-9 is being considered as a candidate structural material for fast and advanced LWR, due to their superior irradiation resistance. Despite various advantages, HT-9 and other F-M steels have serious issues during low-temperature (~425C) neutron irradiation, and it is a critical concern because temperature drops during reactor shutdowns and temperature transients are inevitable during operation.
To address the issue of low-temperature neutron irradiation hardening and embrittlement, systematic investigations on the mechanical behavior and microstructure of HT-9 with slight variations in chemical composition and heat treatment are needed over a wide range of doses and temperatures. Three HT-9 heats (ORNL, LANL and EBR II) with variations in manufacturing process, chemical composition and heat treatment were neutron irradiated (~4 dpa) in the ATR at different temperatures (241°C-469°C) under an NSUF irradiation experiment. Our team recently won RTE award and completed microhardness and tensile testing of HT-9 variants (~4 dpa).
The objective of this RTE proposal is to evaluate the formation of α′ and Ni/Mn/Si precipitation in neutron irradiated (~4 dpa) HT-9 as a function of irradiation temperature (241°C, 291°C, 388°C and 469°C), alloying content (Ni, Mn, Si, W) and heat treatment using APT. The microstructural information obtained from this proposed work would be analyzed to understand the effects of radiation damage on HT-9 heats at LWR and fast reactor relevant temperatures, and to successfully develop appropriate processing-composition-structure-property-temperature correlations. Limited low-temperature neutron irradiation data exists addressing the above variations. Hence, our team can begin to fill the gap in the literature by successfully completing the proposed work on neutron irradiated HT-9. The results of the proposed work could be extended beyond HT-9, and it would be relevant to many F-M steels in general.
In addition, the proposed work will benefit the AMMT program in developing advanced structural materials (for fast and advanced LWR) with optimized chemical composition and heat treatment for greater radiation resistance, and NEAMS program by providing experimental results that would enable models to extrapolate it to the wider range of in-service conditions of future advanced reactors. Thus, the proposed work is well-aligned with the Office of Nuclear Energy’s missions and vision and will have substantial implications for the deployment of next-generation advanced reactors.