Conduct PIE of advanced fuels and materials, Examinations and head-end separations process, Fuels Examination and testing
Unique Functions
Examine full-size LWR fuel, high-temperature fission product release testing, mm size fuel particle failure screening, Fuel Pin/Segment (2ft) full NDE, Full Length Rods full NDE + Large Scale Sizing), can accept NAC-LWT and T-2 casks into cells.
Hotwork Facilities
high activity + alpha/gamma, Specimen Prep Lab (SPL) with its associated laboratory hood and glove boxes.
Support Equipment
The cells are lined with SS, A scanning electron microscope (SEM)/microprobe sample preparation cell is available to prepare small amounts of irradiated fuel or alpha-contaminated or irradiated materials for SEM/microprobe examination. Each window has manipulators + 3-ton crane. Core Conduction Cool-down Test Facility to test radioactive samples under controlled thermal conditions while monitoring the samples to determine the release rate of volatile radioactive materials. Decon cell on 2nd Floor