Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF)

Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho

Institution Name
Idaho National Laboratory
Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF)
Primary Facility Type
Post Irradiation Examination
Secondary Facility Type
Hot Cells
Tertiary Facility Type
Fuel Fabrication
Core Functions
The Hot Fuel Examination Facility (HFEF) is a multi-program hot cell facility. There are two adjacent shielded hot cells (the main cell and decontamination cell), a shielded metallography box, an unshielded hot repair area, and a waste-characterization area. HFEF provides shielding and containment for remote examination, processing, and handling of highly radioactive and TRU-bearing materials in its argon-atmosphere hot cells, unshielded labs, support areas and special equipment for handling, examining, and testing of highly radioactive materials.
Unique Functions
Nondestructive and destructive post-irradiation examination of irradiated samples in two large, heavily shielded hot cells. Machining and disassembly of fuel and material experiments. Neutron radiography/neutron tomography. Visual examination and dimensional examination. Gamma scanning/gamma tomography. Fission-gas-release measurement. Sample preparation for metallography, chemical and isotopic analysis, and optical microscopy. Mechanical testing of irradiated fuels and materials. Bench-scale electrochemical separations research. Handling and loading facilities capable of receiving large shipping casks and fuel pins up to 13 feet long. Furnaces for simulating accident conditions at temperatures up to 2,000°C for extended periods of time.
Hotwork Facilities
high activity + alpha/gamma cells. 3 gloveboxes (Walker, SE-3x3x12, WIPP-8x8x16)
Support Equipment
HazCat2. NRAD (250 kW Training Research Isotope General Atomics (TRIGA)) reactor, PTS to Analytical Lab for chemical analysis, large cask handling (larger than 17 ft long by 56 in in diameter or 30 tons), IASCC facility, metallographic cell with SEM (METBOX).
Radiological Limit
<100mr/hr @ 30cm
Materials Allowed
Sample Encapsulation
argon in Main cell and air in Decon cell.
Commissioning Date
Recent Upgrade
RAM License
Department of Energy
License End Date
Docket Number
User Facility
GAIN Partner
NSUF Partner
NE Use Percentage
No NE Use Percentage Defined
Utilization Hours
No Utilization Hours Defined
Number Of Users
No Number Of Users Defined
Number Of Staff
No Number Of Staff Defined
Point Of Contact
Alina Zackrone
Website URL
Proposal URL
Date Of Data
No Date Of Data Defined
Image Name