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Article Archives

Monday, July 17, 2023

Partner Facility, Facility Highlight

Penn State joins DOE Nuclear Science User Facilities program

Penn State’s Radiation Science and Engineering Center (RSEC) has joined the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) as a partner institution.

Professor Kenan Ünlü, director of the Radiation Science Engineering Center (RSEC), and Dan Beck, RSEC engineering program manager, look at a poster of the neutron beam ports and simultaneous beam operations available in RSEC. Penn State nuclear resources like these are now available to partner institutions through the Nuclear Science User Facilities program. Credit: Kenan Ünlü/Penn State. All Rights Reserved.UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State’s Radiation Science and Engineering Center (RSEC) has joined the Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) as a partner institution.The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy’s NSUF program offers nuclear energy researchers access to world-class...

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Thursday, July 6, 2023

Facility Highlight

Applications open for European user facility network

By Tiera Cate, INL Communications A European-based user facility opened its first call on April 3. The next application cut-off is September 30.  The OFFERR project, launched by the Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform and funded by European Atomic Energy Community, announced its first call for proposals earlier this month. The European User Facility Network catalog was also published to showcase a wide range of nuclear research facilities participating in this call.   The network facilitates international cooperation in nuclear research between European Union research organizations, universities, companies and their partners. They also finance transnational access to critical nuclear research infrastructures.   U.S. researchers may be familiar with certain aspects...

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Monday, April 3, 2023

Facility Highlight

From atoms to earthquakes to Mars: High performance computing

Computational scientists use supercomputers to perform “virtual experiments” to accomplish research that couldn’t be done by conventional means.

By Cory Hatch, INL CommunicationsResearchers solving today’s most important and complex energy challenges can’t always conduct real-world experiments.   This is especially true for nuclear energy research. Considerations such as cost, safety and limited resources can often make laboratory tests impractical. In some cases, the facility or capability necessary to conduct a proper experiment doesn’t exist.At Idaho National Laboratory, computational scientists use INL’s supercomputers to perform “virtual experiments” to accomplish research that couldn’t be done by conventional means. While supercomputing can’t replace traditional experiments, supercomputing is an essential component of all modern scientific discoveries and advancements.“Science is like a three-leg stool,” said Eric Whiting, director of Advanced Scientific Computing at...

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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Facility Highlight

Uncovering the Past

INL researchers recently imaged several fossils using a powerful X-ray microscope. The 3D images will be used to create exhibits for Wyoming’s Fossil Butte National Monument and help experts gain insight into the origins of these and other relics.

Aase mounts one of the fossils in the X-ray microscope for imaging.By Matt Fisher, INL Communications & OutreachIdaho National Laboratory is perhaps best known for innovative research that helps shape the clean energy economies of today and tomorrow – and for good reason. But while much of the laboratory’s work is focused on building a sustainable future, INL is also doing its part to preserve the past.  INL researchers recently imaged several fossils using a powerful X-ray microscope. The 3D images will be used to create exhibits for Wyoming’s Fossil Butte National Monument and help experts gain insight into the origins of these...

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Facility Highlight

The National Nuclear User Facility (NNUF): opportunities for access

Access for July to September closes May 31, 2022

The National Nuclear User Facility (NNUF) is a £100 million investment by the UK government in state-of-the-art experimental facilities for research and development in nuclear science and technology.The aim is to install new equipment and laboratories, provide training opportunities for nuclear scientists and engineers, and foster international collaborations. Outstanding facilities There are 30 NNUF facilities, many of which can handle active materials.Additional capability has been added at well-established facilities, including the UK’s National Nuclear Laboratory, the University of Manchester’s Dalton Cumbrian Facility, and UKAEA’s Materials Research Facility. Newer projects include a neutron source at Birmingham, an investment in nuclear robotics at Bristol,...

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Monday, March 7, 2022

Facility Highlight

Supporting our nuclear future - The Activated Materials Laboratory

The Activated Materials Laboratory (AML) at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) will assist the nuclear community in examining radioactive samples at the High-Energy X-ray Microscope (HEXM) at 20-ID and other beamlines at the APS. This facility will support the broader needs of the nuclear community by introducing highly advanced characterization tools, providing more utility, and offering additional functions. The Nuclear Science User Facilities (NSUF) encouraged placement at Argonne National Laboratory because Argonne also hosts the Irradiated Materials Laboratory. This radiological facility performs post-irradiation examination and specimen preparation of radioactive materials. It has been used for irradiated sample receiving, preparation, mounting...

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Monday, February 17, 2020

Newsletter, Facility Highlight

NSUF’s High Performance Computing Powers Innovation

When the Wright brothers were building the world’s first aircraft, the inventors’ primary concern was whether or not their machine could get off the ground. It’s easy to assume that neither Orville nor Wilbur were thinking about the infinite number of variables associated with airplanes today, many of which are unpredictable; or so it may seem. Today aerospace engineers utilize modeling and simulation to remove some of the danger the Wright brothers first experienced.“Aviation is a high cost and consequence industry,” said Eric Whiting, Division Director for Advanced Scientific Computing at Idaho National Laboratory (INL). “Anything you can do to...

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Facility Highlight, Newsletter

NSUF Facility Highlight: University of Michigan

The University of Michigan's two NSUF partner facilities offers NSUF users access to extensive capabilities to study the effects of radiation as well as conduct high temperature mechanical property, corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking experiments on neutron irradiated materials in an aqueous environment to characterize the fracture surfaces after failure.

Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory The Michigan Ion Beam Laboratory in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan has developed extensive capabilities in the use of accelerators directed towards the study of radiation effects by emulating neutron damage in nuclear reactor materials.  The laboratory also provides a wide range of capabilities for both surface modification and analysis.   Facilities include: A 3 MV Pelletron Tandem accelerator that can provide ion energies up to 6 MeV for single charged ions and to higher energies that depend on the ion charge state. Ion sources include a Torvis high current proton source, an...

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