The Nuclear Science User Facilities is excited to welcome Collin Knight as the Deputy Director. Collin has prior experience with the NSUF as the lead post irradiation project manager since 2010.
Collin Knight.
Working in the Post-Irradiation Examination and Project Execution Department at Idaho National Laboratory, Collin managed post irradiation examination related projects, and coordinated activities at the Materials and Fuels Complex (MFC) as well as other NSUF partner facilities. He was the project manager for Irradiated Materials Characterization Laboratory (IMCL) equipment installation and provided engineering and project manager assistance for the PIE Equipment Upgrade project. Collin has more than 29years of mechanical, nuclear, project engineering, and project management experience. He has experience particularly in the design, installation, and operation of numerous components, systems, and facilities. These include remote mechanical systems in hot cell environments, utilities for gases and liquids, gloveboxes, and radioactive contamination enclosures.
Collin has extensive experience in the treatment and disposal of radioactively contaminated sodium. He has been the project manager for several PIE and Nuclear Nonproliferation projects and has qualified as a Lab Manager. He holds a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Brigham Young University. In addition, he is a member of the Idaho section of the American Nuclear Society and American Glovebox Society.
Outside of work, he enjoys working in the yard, gardening, and spending time with his family.