The Users Organization Executive Committee will work to advance NSUF user concerns and priorities.
From Users Organization Chair, Peter Hosemann:
Thank you to all who voted in the Users Organization Executive Committee election. I’m excited to welcome our newest members. Their terms will begin January 2020.
Secretary/Chair Elect: Gabriel Meric de Bellefon
Gabriel has been an active user of NSUF since 2017 working on three Rapid Turnaround Experiment (RTE) projects at four different NSUF facilities. Gabriel currently works at Kairos Power leading the irradiation testing of structural materials of the fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactor.
Daniel is not new to the Users Organization Executive Committee; he previously served as a student committee member while working on his doctorate. Daniel is currently an assistant professor at Idaho State University. Daniel’s research interests include development and qualification of fuels and materials for advanced reactor concepts, investigating thermal hydraulic effects on material performance, and use fuel recycling techniques.
Keyou Mao is currently a postdoctoral research associate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the Materials Science and Technology Division. An experienced NSUF user, Keyou has worked with MaCS at CAES, the Irradiated Materials and Characterization Laboratory at Idaho National Laboratory, and LAMDA at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Currently a graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley, Andrew works in Peter Hosemann’s lab, the Nuclear Materials Group. Prior to beginning his graduate degree, Andrew earned his undergraduate degree from Berkeley in 2019 and interned at Los Alamos National Laboratory.