NSUF Article

NSUF awards 13 new Super Rapid Turnaround Experiments

Wednesday, August 21, 2024 - Calls and Awards, RTE

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy awarded the first 13 Nuclear Science User Facilities Super Rapid Turnaround Experiment (Super RTE) projects. Each project supports the advancement of nuclear energy.

The 2024 Super RTE awards, totaling approximately $1.8 million, were granted to seven principal investigators from universities, one principal investigator from industry and five scientists from national laboratories.

The Super RTE, which opened for the first time April 1, is a user access award process that offers an avenue for researchers to perform a broader scope of irradiation effects studies (i.e., more samples and more access time at Nuclear Science User Facilities partner institutions) than the traditional RTE award process. Super RTE projects must be completed within 12 months of the award.

The 2024 Super RTEs covered a wide range of topics to further post-irradiation knowledge of nuclear materials. Of the 13 Super RTE projects awarded, eight are focused on fuels or structural materials for the next generation of reactors, and five of the projects focus on materials for the current reactor fleet.

All experiments will look at various properties of materials that have undergone irradiation at various reactors, doses, temperatures, times and manufacturing methods. Researchers will characterize those samples using mechanical testing, microstructural analysis and various microscopy techniques.

Super RTE proposals are expected to be solicited and awarded annually. Like traditional RTE proposals, they will be reviewed and evaluated for technical merit, relevancy and feasibility. The number of awards depends on the availability of funding. The Super RTE Technical Review Process provides further explanation of the review process. Proposals must support the DOE Office of Nuclear Energy mission

FY24 Super Rapid Turnaround Experiment award recipients

 PI name Institution Project title
David FrazerGeneral AtomicsAdvanced microstructure characterization of irradiation impact on corrosion performance of SiC-SiC composite materials
Yachun WangIdaho National LaboratoryIn-situ TEM heating investigation of M23C6 stability in neutron irradiated HT9
Robert OkojieNASA Glenn Research CenterIn-operando performance characterization of on-chip integrated SiC pressure/temperature sensors under irradiation
Timothy LachOak Ridge National LaboratoryDetailed characterization of in-service IASCC in 316 and 347 stainless steel baffle-former bolts
Caleb MasseyOak Ridge National LaboratoryThe role of helium on microstructure evolution in A709
Brandon WilsonOak Ridge National LaboratoryNeutron irradiation and PIE of ZrC coated surrogate particle fuel in IN-Pile Steadystate Extreme Temperature (INSET) Testbed
Todd Palmer Pennsylvania State UniversityInteractions between neutron irradiation and oxide based inclusions in additively manufactured austenitic stainless steels
Xing WangPennsylvania State University
Deciphering the role of nitrogen on the performance of ferritic-martensitic steels under high-dose irradiation using N-15 isotope doping
Jake FayRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteCharacterization of U8Pu10Zr fluff sample
Peter HosemannUniversity of California, BerkeleyUnderstanding the effect of helium and neutron irradiation in ODS alloys
Lin ShaoTexas A&M UniversityAccelerated evaluation of friction stir welding for on-site repairs using HFIR irradiation, welding, accelerator irradiation, and characterization
Patrick WarrenUniversity of Texas at San AntonioMechanical assessment of Pd corroded surrogate and irradiated TRISO particles 
Matthew SwensonUniversity of IdahoInfluence of laser welding on deformation mechanisms in irradiated and weld-repaired Ni-Cr alloys
