Kallie Metzger

Profile Information
Dr. Kallie Metzger
Westinghouse Electric Company
Principal Engineer

Dr. Kathryn Metzger is a Principal Engineer at Westinghouse Electric Company in the Global Accident Tolerant Fuels Technology (ATF) Group. She was the recipient of a NEUP fellowship during her graduate study at the University of South Carolina, where she earned her Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering. Her doctoral research included characterization and testing, material model development, and fuel performance modeling of accident tolerant fuel and cladding systems.  Prior to joining Westinghouse Electric Company, she furthered her expertise in nuclear materials at Idaho National Laboratory and Savannah River National Laboratory, where she gained experience in the fabrication of U3Si2, fuel performance modeling of ATF systems, and mitigation of corrosion in research reactor fuels.  She served on the executive committee for the ATR-NSUO (User Organization) from 2014 to 2016 and currently serves as the Vice Chair of the Materials Science and Technology Division within the American Nuclear Society.

*Research interests include accident tolerant fuels and claddings, material fabrication and characterization, material model development, corrosion, ceramic materials, thermal and irradiation creep, and fuel performance modeling and simulation.

Uranium Silicide Fuel (U3Si2)