Article Archives

Article Archives

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Users Group

NSUF welcomes 2024 Users Organization Executive Committee

By Alexis Starks, NSUF at Idaho National LaboratoryOur Nuclear Science User Facilities leadership is proud to introduce the 2024 Users Organization executive committee: Chair Maria Okuniewski from Purdue University, Vice Chair Stephen Taller from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Secretary Ramprashad Prabhakaran from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Student Representative Malachi Nelson from Idaho National Laboratory. “I am excited to work with a group of such talented and experienced NSUF users with a diverse representation from national laboratories, academia and industry,” said Chair Maria Okuniewski.” This year there was overwhelming support and interest from the community for the Users Group Executive Board. This engagement will allow for continued sustainability within the community.” As stated...

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Newsletter, Users Group, Presentations

Users’ Q&A Webinar Slideshow Now Available

In place of the annual Users Organization Meeting, NSUF Director, Dr. Rory Kennedy, held a Q&A Webinar on March 18, 2021. This gave an overview of the program as well as answered questions from NSUF Users. The presentation from the Webinar is now available.

The presentation from the Webinar is now available. In place of the annual Users Organization Meeting, NSUF Director, Dr. Rory Kennedy, held a Q&A Webinar on March 18, 2021. This presentation provided an overview of the Nuclear Science User Facilities and useful contacts. It highlighted Action Areas such as executing awarded projects and expanding high performance computing via Falcon and Sawtooth. NSUF is continuing to track citations, publications, and facility utilization. Some of the questions included: Q: How can we reinforce student led RTE projects? Could we have a separate call just for students? A: Although we do...

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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Newsletter, Users Group

Users Organization Meeting Presentations Now Available

The presentations from the NSUF Users Organization Meeting are now available. If you have questions about any of the presentations, please contact the presenter. Facility Flash TalksArgonne National Laboratory (MeiMei Li)Brookhaven National Laboratory (Lynne Ecker)Center for Advanced Energy Studies (Yaqiao Wu)Idaho National Laboratory (Brenden Heidrich)Los Alamos National Laboratory (Tarik Saleh)Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Gordon Kohse)North Carolina State University (Ayman Hawari)Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Kory Linton) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (Ramprashad Prabhakharan)Purdue University (Janelle Wharry)Sandia National Laboratories (Khalid Hattar) SCK-CEN (Steven van Dyck)The Ohio State University (Praneeth Kandlakunta)University of California, Berkeley (Peter Hosemann) University of Florida (Assel Aitkaliyeva) University of Michigan (Kevin Field) University of Wisconsin (Hongliang...

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Announcement, Users Group

Register Now for Users Organization Meeting

The NSUF Users Organization will hold its annual meeting to update users on NSUF research and facility capabilities as well as act as a venue for users to voice concerns. The event will take place after the annual TMS meeting in order to make it even more convenient for NSUF users. Discussion topics will include:NSUF Program Office updatesRecent partner facility updates Panel discussion with NSUF Program Office staff to discuss what is and isn't workingNSUF research project updatesIf you have questions about the event please reach out to Peter Hosemann or Tiffany Adams. REGISTER NOW »...

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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Newsletter, Users Group

New Users Organization Executive Committee Members Announced

The Users Organization Executive Committee will work to advance NSUF user concerns and priorities.

From Users Organization Chair, Peter Hosemann:Thank you to all who voted in the Users Organization Executive Committee election. I’m excited to welcome our newest members. Their terms will begin January 2020. Secretary/Chair Elect: Gabriel Meric de BellefonGabriel has been an active user of NSUF since 2017 working on three Rapid Turnaround Experiment (RTE) projects at four different NSUF facilities. Gabriel currently works at Kairos Power leading the irradiation testing of structural materials of the fluoride salt-cooled high-temperature reactor. NSUF PROFILE  »LINKEDIN PROFILE  »  Committee Member: Daniel LaBrierDaniel is not new to the Users Organization Executive Committee; he previously served as a student committee...

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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Users Group, Newsletter

From the Users Group: Vote for Your New Executive Committee

The goal of the Users Group is to provide a formal and clear channel from the NSUF users to the NSUF program office as well as advocate for the experimental activities at NSUF, and the Executive Committee helps facilitate this.

Thank you to those who submitted their nominations for the Users Group Executive Committee. We received excellent nominations for the User organization board and encourage all NSUF users to vote. Our election is now open. Please submit your votes by 10/31. Thank you for your commitment to NSUF! To vote, please go to you have questions about the Users Group, please contact chair Peter Hosemann....

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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Newsletter, Users Group

From the Users Group: Nominations Open for Users Group Executive Committee

The goal of the Users Group is to provide a formal and clear channel from the NSUF users to the NSUF program office as well as advocate for the experimental activities at NSUF, and the Executive Committee helps facilitate this.

The NSUF Users Group Executive Committee has several open seats, including one secretary/chair elect, two committee member positions, and two student members (graduate students only). To fill these positions, the Users Group is currently accepting nominations and will hold an election in October. Nominations are open to all NSUF users, and users can nominate themselves for multiple positions. Voting will take place from October 1-31 and will be announced via this newsletter and on the NSUF website.The goal of the Users Group is to provide a formal and clear channel from the NSUF users to the NSUF program office as well as advocate for the experimental activities at...

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Monday, January 14, 2019

Users Group

NSUF Announces 2019 Users Meeting

Meeting will be held in conjunction with the ANS Student Conference

In conjunction with the ANS Student Conference, NSUF will hold its Users Meeting on April 4 and 5 in Richmond, Virginia on the Virginia Commonwealth University campus. The Users Meeting will run concurrently with the ANS Student Conference and will offer researchers the opportunity to learn about:NSUF program updatesResearch updates from NSUF-funded projectsHow to apply for NSUF fundingNSUF unparalleled and expanding capabilities To register for this event, please visit the ANS Student Conference page and use one of the codes to bring the professional price to $255.NSUF-SC19 (valid until 3/7 for non-member professionals)NSUF-SC19-100 (valid from 3/8-4/6 for member professionals)NSUF-SC19-200 (valid 3/8-4/6 for non-member professionals)If...

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